
Wednesday 19 January 2011

Stop motion :T-SHIRT WAR!! (stop-motion music video)

Umbrella light

Set up two light stands with strobes, flash heads or continuous light source. Extend the light stand until the light head is slightly above the subject. Release the umbrella springs, and open the umbrellas until the spring lock toward the top of the umbrella staff is engaged.
Attach an umbrella to each light stand or light head, and point the light head toward the reflective interior surface of the open umbrella. The light stand or light head should have a wedge that accepts the staff of the umbrella. Position one light stand approximately 5 feet in front and 45 degrees to the left of the object you are the other stand the same distance from the object, and at 45 degrees to the right. Position the stands so that the reflective interior surface of the umbrella is pointing at the subject. Set one light source to full power, and set the other 1 to 4 stops lower. This will add dimensionality.
Set the camera to 100 ISO and between f/8 and f/11, and fire off a few test shots. Review the shots on the camera. If they are over-exposed and washed out, then try a narrower aperture (i.e. higher f/number), or increase the subject-to-light distance of both lights or reduce the power setting on both lights. If the shots are under-exposed and dark, then use a wider aperture (i.e. lower f/number), or reduce the subject-to-light distance of both lights or increase the power setting on both lights.
Note the f/number, distance and light power settings for the best shots.
Experiment by maintaining the distance and power settings, but repositioning the stands at different angles to the subject. Illuminate from 90 degrees on both sides, or position the key light (high power) to illuminate the front at 45 degrees, and position the second light roughly opposite to illuminate the back of the subject. Always remember to keep the umbrella out of the frame when taking the shot

some shots we took using this affect.

As a group

For the first part of our stop motion project we had to produce a short video to use the skills we were shown in the studio demonstration and basically have a practise run before producing our final stop motion video the first stop motion video i crated was in a pair with supa we had the idea to keep it as simple as possible and not over complicate it. we filmed shots of me going around in a circle so that the video would look like i was spinning around.

overall i found this video was good for a first attempt but poor in comparison with others on youtube. the shot them self wasn't very clear and the shots didn't flow as much as i would of liked them to.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Keep on the video track please as this was the last session. I need to see evidence of videos of bands and link with your experiences with using video cameras yourself. After half term you will be putting your skills into practice with a promo video so you need to practice and add more work about videos and editing during the coming weeks.
    Can you also add the recent comments gadget to your design layout of your site.
