
Wednesday 2 February 2011

Health and safety

Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 was enacted as a result of the need to codify much of the pre-1974 legislation. The principle aim was to create a single comprehensive system of regulatory law. There are three primary aims of the HSWA:
  • To secure the health, safety and welfare of persons at work.
  • To protect persons other than persons at work against risks to health or safety arising out of or in connection with the activities of persons at work.
  • To control the keeping and use of explosive or highly flammable or otherwise dangerous substances, and generally preventing the unlawful acquisition, possession and use of such substances.

    Duties owed by Employers to Employees

    Employers owe the following duties to their employees:
    • Provide and maintain safe plant and systems of work.
    • Ensure the safety of Employees in connection with the use, storage and transport of articles.
    • Provide the necessary information, instruction, training and supervision.
    • Ensure the safe maintenance of the place of work.
    • Provide and maintain a safe working environment.

      Duties owed to persons who are not Employees
      There are a number of limited duties owed to persons who are not employees:
      • Not to expose such persons to risks in relation to their health and safety.
      • Provide such persons prescribed information about the way in which the Employer or Self-Employed person conducts their undertaking.

Duties owed by employees at work

There are also duties imposed upon employees in the workplace including the following:
  • To take care for the health and safety of themselves and other persons.
  • To cooperate with any requirement imposed by the Employer in order for the Employer to perform and comply with any required duty.
  • Not to intentionally or recklessly interfere or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety or welfare.

    Public Liability

    Public Liability Insurance should be considered if members of the public, clients or customers visit your premises. If you run a home-business, and customers sometimes visit you there, public liability cover might also be a good idea.

    While out on photo shoots health and safety has to be considered at all times. Most often we are out and about with equipment such as tripods, location lighting equipment and wires. Members of the public may not see our equipment and therefore could have an accident and this is what we have to consider on each filming and photo shoots.

    Health and safety:
    The purpose of health and safety rules are to secure the health and safety of people for instance the health and safety procedures we need to follow when in the studio.
    Our duties in the studio:
    To take care of ourselves and others around us when handling equipment.
    To co-operate with any requirements imposed by Vinnie in order for us to stay safe and look after the equipment properly.
    Not to intentionally or recklessly interfere or miss use anything provided in the interest of health and safety or welfare.
    make sure equipment is secured properly before using for example cameras on tripods
    Do not touch and of the lighting by hand as it will be very hot and could burn you.
    Do not leave equiptment lying around which could cause injuries
    Do not leave wires lying around on the floor which could trip someone up.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Test Footage HDR FX1

From this video you can definitely tell that the Sony HDR FX1 cam-corder produces much better quality footage compared to the flip camera however this it because the Sony cam-corder is designed for more professional use it has much better features and is a lot heavier it is mostly used to make long length videos and is normally placed on a tripod to steady the picture and keep the camera safe as it is very expensive. where as the flip cam corder can only produce up to 60 minuets of footage and is normally hand held for home movies such as a your child's birthday party or to take on Holiday.

Testing the Flip MinoHD Camera

This is an example of a video taken with a flip camera it shown the good quality of the camera however the video she has taken was not a good quality this was mainly down to the fact that she held the camera by hand and didn't use a tripod. By using this device it reduces the shakiness of the camera and of the video recorded. However this video is only a typical home movie so no devices would be used as it is not for professional purposes. Because we are learning photograph however we have to use a tripod to create our recordings so that they can look as professional as possible and so that we can learn different techniques to make our video as good as it can be.

Review: How to use a flip camera

I found this video on YouTube it gives an in depth description on how to use the flip camera and all the features it has. This is a good video for people who has never used a flip camera before basically beginners like me as it shows us what to do what the flip camera is all about and how we can then up load the videos onto a computer.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Stop motion :T-SHIRT WAR!! (stop-motion music video)

Umbrella light

Set up two light stands with strobes, flash heads or continuous light source. Extend the light stand until the light head is slightly above the subject. Release the umbrella springs, and open the umbrellas until the spring lock toward the top of the umbrella staff is engaged.
Attach an umbrella to each light stand or light head, and point the light head toward the reflective interior surface of the open umbrella. The light stand or light head should have a wedge that accepts the staff of the umbrella. Position one light stand approximately 5 feet in front and 45 degrees to the left of the object you are the other stand the same distance from the object, and at 45 degrees to the right. Position the stands so that the reflective interior surface of the umbrella is pointing at the subject. Set one light source to full power, and set the other 1 to 4 stops lower. This will add dimensionality.
Set the camera to 100 ISO and between f/8 and f/11, and fire off a few test shots. Review the shots on the camera. If they are over-exposed and washed out, then try a narrower aperture (i.e. higher f/number), or increase the subject-to-light distance of both lights or reduce the power setting on both lights. If the shots are under-exposed and dark, then use a wider aperture (i.e. lower f/number), or reduce the subject-to-light distance of both lights or increase the power setting on both lights.
Note the f/number, distance and light power settings for the best shots.
Experiment by maintaining the distance and power settings, but repositioning the stands at different angles to the subject. Illuminate from 90 degrees on both sides, or position the key light (high power) to illuminate the front at 45 degrees, and position the second light roughly opposite to illuminate the back of the subject. Always remember to keep the umbrella out of the frame when taking the shot

some shots we took using this affect.

As a group

For the first part of our stop motion project we had to produce a short video to use the skills we were shown in the studio demonstration and basically have a practise run before producing our final stop motion video the first stop motion video i crated was in a pair with supa we had the idea to keep it as simple as possible and not over complicate it. we filmed shots of me going around in a circle so that the video would look like i was spinning around.

overall i found this video was good for a first attempt but poor in comparison with others on youtube. the shot them self wasn't very clear and the shots didn't flow as much as i would of liked them to.


For this part of our assignment we are using video cameras for the first time. we will be using a Sony HDR FX1 and a little flip camera.

Sony HDR-FX1 features -
Switchable HDV/DV Format Recording
3.5" Wide Precision Hybrid SwivelScreen™ LCD Display
Manual Zoom and Manual Focus Ring
Shot Transition
Assignable Buttons
HDV Recording Format
Super Steady Shot Optical Stabilization System
there is a review of this camera online -
Flip camera features -
Pocket sized for convenience.
Large 2-inch LCD screen to playback and delete videos.
Built in software that allows you to edit, email and upload.
Can capture up to 120 minutes using its 4GB internal memory.
Crystal HD creating a less stutter'y image

In this session i am going to film a piece of video footage. My objective is to produce several types of shots by selecting my scene and composing my shots fist before pressing record just as i would in photography.

when i am ready to take my shot i then need to press the record button.I must leave the camera to record for 10 seconds before and after each shot to prevent the shots looking to snappy. All shots i produce must be with a tripod to help stop the camera shaking and ruining shots. the shots i need to produce are:

  • Pan shot from left to right
  • Pan shot from right to left
  • Close up shot (tight shot of someones face clipping of the top of the head)
  • A wide angle shot taken from a low viewpoint looking up
  • A tilt shot from low to high
  • A tilt shot from high to low
  • A shot which manual focuses on a person walking towards the camera and retaining focus
  • A shot which manual focuses on a person walking away from the camera and retaining focus
In my images i could use the words reflection , line , vertical , colour , scale , opposite and frame to help make my shots more interesting and focused.

For each shot i need to produce 3 versions for each as my first attempt may not be correct. also by taking several versions is good practise and gives me the choice to choose the best shot. 

Another thing i should consider is a technique called "in camera editing" this is where i leave the camera to start recording for 10 seconds before moving the camera and then film my shot normally.Then letting the camera rest again for 10 seconds before pressing the record button again to start recording. This will allow me enough time for any editing transitions i need to carry out  between each section of the video stages.

My first attempt using a flip camera

The location i chose was in the park by the library near the church grounds. Once i had taken all the shots i needed with my partner we then edited them and put them into a video using the i movie package.

This video is before we added the sound affect and titles.
Our first task was to up load all of our video clips into i movie, we then had to put them in an order that worked and flowed well the order we chose was:
  • The close up shot of Ryan's face.
  • Then a pan shot from left to right of the church
  • A tilt shot from low to high of church
  • A focal shot of Ryan walking away from the camera
  • A focal shot of Ryan walking towards the camera
  • A pan shot from right to left of the geese in the park
  • A wide angle shot taken from a low viewpoint looking up 
The short video clips we took worked well together and flowed they was also quite a good quality in the sense that they was steady they didn't shake an they gradually flowed for instance right to left in a steady time they didn't pan slowly then really quickly.

The second step was to add titles and a theme, we decided to add centered at the start and naming the video filming project 1 . We then added a scrolling credits at the end naming me and Josie who created the video and Ryan who featured in the video we would also put where it was filmed.

The third step was to add audio we decided to add sound affects from i movie 08 sound affects.

The forth step was to choose sound affects that went with the video well the timing had to be right for each small part of the film for instance we chose footsteps for when ryan was walking towards the camera and away from the camera. we then added chime bells when we was filming the church for the tilt shot from low to high .

This is where we added the foot steps sound affect and needed to time it just right so it started when he started walking and ended when he stopped walking.

Wednesday 5 January 2011


Image Paramore has a strong band image . They are presently recognised for there butterfly which features on their latest album cover , posters , merchandise and websites. This is ironic as a butterfly is not normally associated with rock bands so it makes the aspect quirky and gives the band an edge , it shows they are unique and that they dont follow the norm such as using skulls or guns or guitars to represent their band.

Live Photography

Paramore also has a strong stage presents which is shown in their pictures, the photograph taken of them is always strong and exiting and normally energetic. The photography captures the moment and reflects the bands personality they always Look happy and like they are having fun.

Staged and studio photography

When taking photographs of bands you have to be careful that it doesn't look fake and staged , however paramore pulls this off.All of there pictures look good and they don't follow the trend. for example the first picture is totally different to anything I've seen.

This photograph is good as it looks casual , it is obviousaly a staged photograph by a photographer however it does not look fake. Like most photographs they take hayley williams is centred and at the front and the other band member in the background however with the male member placed u high in the photograph it gives the picture an edge.

 This photograph is my favourite it is so different from anything else Ive seen before. its unusual and quirky and not like most  band photography which is shot in a old building, roof top or forest. even though the lying in the road is staged it doesn't come across as this as it reflects their mad personality so just looks like something they would do naturally.

 This is the the sort of photograph i was talking about being the norm of band photography it is always used nearly every band has a photo shoot in the forest as it seems scary and is associated with rock bands.The use of the guitars and base system however gives this photograph an edge . However even if these props wasn't used anyone would still know that they was a rock band.

 Even though this photograph is also staged and taken in a forest its totally different as they are not being serious it looks like a group of mate having fun and a laugh. Because they are not being serious and trying to look scary like most  rock bands it doesn't look fake.

 CD covers
 paramour has a variety of different CD covers and they are all totally different from each other. they do not have a continuous image they change all the time which makes this band so unusual from the rest. 

 This CD cover uses live photographs as there CD cover. this shows buyers what there truly about. it shows they are a rock band as there is a clip of two guitarists one drummer and Hayley Williams singing doing the typical pose associated with rock which is facing down flicking her hair around.

Where as this CD cover is totally different , Hayley Williams is centered at the front with the male band members in the background. This photograph is also staged in front of a typically American background. however with their poses and facial expressions and them not trying to be serious just letting their personality shine it pulls the pose off.This picture you can clearly see the band has input in there pictures and they are not all directed by a photographer.
This CD cover is totally different from the rest it doesn't include any images at all of the band just another image that they feel represents them and their music.which is totally unusual as a butterfly isn't usually associated with rock music if anything more classical music this is what gives the CD cover a different appeal.